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The Forestry Department has distributed 80 trees to be planted at five (5) schools in observance of World Wildlife Day on March 3, under the theme, ‘Forests & Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet’.

Trees will be planted at Rhodes Hall High and Green Island High schools in Hanover; Grants Mountain Primary, St. Ann; Montego Bay High, St. James; and Godfrey Stewart High, Westmoreland.

The Agency will also be among other government agencies that will be making online presentations to the students about the theme. The activities are being executed by our Western team in partnership with the National Environment and Planning Agency, the Tourism Product Development Company Ltd., the Social Development Commission and the Integrating Water, Land and Ecosystems Management in Caribbean Small Island Developing States project.

Senior Director of the Western Zone at the Forestry Department, Miss Stephanie Cameron says the Agency is pleased to be partnering with these entities to educate students about the importance of forests to sustaining people and planet.

“Our health as well as the health of our planet are hinged on our natural resources, which includes our trees and forests and so it’s important to not only plant and maintain trees but to educate the leaders of tomorrow on how critical these resources are and the role they can play in conserving them”, Ms. Cameron said.

She also noted that the Agency is seeking more partnerships across the private and public sectors to conserve the forest resources for the future generations.

“The Forestry Department is leading from the fore, we recently launched #MyTreeLegacy promotion to support the Three Million Trees in Three Years initiative that gives each Jamaican an opportunity to make a significant contribution towards the future of our country by planting trees at their alma maters. The call is out, we thank those who have been responding and urge the others to rise to the occasion", Ms. Cameron said.

Persons who want to find out more about the National Tree Planting Initiative including the latest promotion, #MyTreeLegagy may contact the Forestry Department at 876-618-3205 or

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