Rates Persons are required to pay a NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee:
$8,000 (11 years and older) if the TREK PLUS package (transportation and light snack included) is selected.
$5,000 per group member (11 years and older) if TREK LITE package (transportation and light snack not included) is selected.
Transportation provided for Forest Trek departs and returns to the meeting point in Kingston ONLY.
Please complete and submit the FOREST TREK 2025 Individual Registration Form online.
Print, complete and sign the Participant Waiver Form
and Parental Consent Form (to be completed for participants 17 years and younger).
Upload a copy to the registration portal. Submit the hard copy when collecting your registration package.
Payments may be made online through our ecommerce platform or to our offices using cash, cheque, Debit/Credit Card, or bank transfer (account number will be made available upon request).
The Forestry Department accepts Manager's/Company cheques ONLY, and it should be made payable to the Forestry Department.
Bank transfers should be made to:
Account Name
Forestry Department
Account #
NCB Constant Spring Road
Account Type
b. Please email a copy of your proof of payment to foresttrek@forestry.gov.jm for verification.
Include the first and last name of the persons for which payment was made as well as the purpose “Forest Trek”.
Payments to our offices, should be made at the Forestry Department, 173 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 8, Mondays to Thursdays, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm and on Fridays, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm.
Registration closes on Friday, March 7 or as soon as the maximum number of registrants is reached.
Sign Up
Please download the form, print it, sign it, and then upload the signed copy before submitting the form below.